Basic Concept

Kanematsu has identified "Building a Sustainable Supply Chain" as one of our key issues (Materialities) and we handle a wide range of products.
As a trading company, we have limited direct access to consumers, but we recognize the importance of quality and safety management.

Responsible Advertising and Marketing

Based on our corporate principles, our beliefs: Kanematsu’s Guiding Principles and Kanematsu’s Code of Conduc, we carry out responsible advertising and marketing activities that fully consider social responsibility.

Initiatives for Access to Better Nutrition

Helping Solve the Protein Crisis

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The United Nations estimates that the global population will reach 10 billion by 2050.
At the same time, the global supply of protein is expected to fall short of demand by 2030, creating a global protein crisis. Against this backdrop, in December 2020, the Kanematsu Group formed a capital alliance with DAIZ Inc., a startup in the business of plant-based meat, to help provide a stable supply of high-quality plant protein to the market.
The Kanematsu Group will leverage its wide-ranging sales channels in and outside Japan in the food soybeans, oilseeds, meat products, and food businesses to sell Miracle Meat,* the plant based meat developed and produced by DAIZ.
By promoting this business, we will help solve the global protein crisis.